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Join us for a delicious happy hour experience starting with a well- measured Katonah Yoga practice, followed by a 45 minute restorative sound bath. The goal of this workshop is to inform our physical and subtle bodies with the healing geometry of asana and sound to potentiate our well-being. Come be a wave in the ocean with us, to get buoyant and leave floating into your weekend.

Sound is a tool that can be used to retune our bodies to higher vibrational frequencies and natural rhythms. Our bodies actually sync up to the harmonic inflections created by gongs, singing bowls, and other overtone-emitting instruments. These sounds act to stimulate the alpha and theta brain waves associated with meditative states of stillness; while releasing nitric oxide which supports the health of our hearts, lungs and bones, helping to regulating our nervous system, immune system, hormones and sleep cycles.

Katonah Yoga is a fundamentally formal practice. It is a commingling of classical Hatha yoga poses integrated with theories of sacred geometry that serve to develop stability and dimension, Taoist philosophy to observe and conform to nature’s patterns found in the body, peppered with Pranayama and Kundalini to move breath through the body’s terrain, serving as a conduit between the body and mind to soothe the soul and build an identity. The goal of the practice is to become whole, in order to live a life of integrity and happiness. Linsey and Josh are longtime students of both Abbie Galvin of THE STUDIO and Nevine Michaan, the founder of KATONAH YOGA®.

About Josh: I teach Katonah Yoga for the longevity experience of being in a body as I find it always adds up.  Katonah Yoga is not meant as a stand alone practice but a lens through which to see not just postures, but how you are moving through life in spacetime.  The past, the present moment, and the potential into which we are stepping are all a part of the practice.

Energy exchange is $45 advance / $55 day of.

Pre-registration is recommended. Reserve your spot HERE.